Spring Has Sprung (I Hope)

It is starting to feel and look like spring, finally. And with that comes the reminder one of my favourite views here is early morning just as the sun rises and sets on the shore across the cove; the view lasts only a... (more)
Lesson Du Jour

Looked up this morning and what did I see but what looked like fog – and only over the lake. I’ve seen land fog and sea fog in my travels but don’t recall this phenom. So I went to trusty Mr. Google... (more)
Pit Stop, Cranberry Lake

Wow, what a sight early this morning. Just as it was getting light out I noticed a goose in the lake near our shoreline, then another, and another, and another – you get the picture. So I donned my coat and headed outside... (more)

This is where we’ll share anything and everything that might be of interest to our guests (or potential guests). Could be a buck sighting like we had last week – in the front yard, or the fact that it is absolutely gorgeous... (more)